Monday, January 18, 2010

Not a good week.

For the most part everything is going well, but im getting more and more frustrated with people in my platoon not being able to accomplish the easiest of tasks, they cant be on time, they ask idiotic questions and by doing so cut into our meal times, they cant march in step or keep timing whatsoever.
We have one boring class after another, mostly filling out paperwork again and again and again.
Then tuesday rolls around and its PT test day, im sitting in class filling out the papers for it, and my Master Corporal comes in the class and tells me to follow him. We go down the hall, around the corner and into the chapel, he passes me off to the padre, who in a calm voice and thick french accent tells me that my stepfather has had a hard attack, and that he didnt make it. shit falls apart, im sobbing, thousands of emotions, the man who raised me for nearly 26 years is gone. He went quickly though, the best way.
My saving grace is that I told him that I loved him before I left for basic, and although I didnt see his face, ?I heard in his voice how he got choked up when he said it back. We knew the love was always there, even though the words werent.
I get on a train thursday and come home for the service and to be with my family. Back to the base on monday.
So i failed the run portion of the PT test and now i have to go to "Warrior Fitness Platoon"......which is essentially fat camp. I understand that people go in "husky" and come out animals!
Its pretty much a personal trainer that is going to teach me how to eat right and kick my ass!!! So im not too upset about losing weight and getting into shape!
For all of those thet i had told already, thankyou for your condolences and for your kind words and prayers, My family and I really do appreciate it, and we all know that you are all there waiting to help if called.
Im doing well for now, alot of stuff to sort through and to take care of, and gotta keep soldier-ing on.
And let me say this, I know that many of you reading this will reply with more condolences, i know you love me and i feel the same about you, thats why were thankyou in advance.
I love you all.
Kiss kiss for now.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

1st day in the Mega

So far, this place is just like i thought it would be, of course they are not being too hard on us yet because were new.
I walk in the door, tell them im reporting, and then 3 french people chatted amongst themselves trying to decide what to do with me and some others.
-the duty WO told me where to park my car (which was no less than 3 country miles away) and it has to be -20..........Fuck its cold here!!!
-The course senior, who i know im going to have problems with, is running around like a WW2 gustapo, and he couldnt find his ass with 2 hands and a road map.
-The rumour mill is already grinding away at full speed, everyone has heard from someone else who heard from this guy that this is what were supposed to be doing....
-Some of the people in my platoon are pretty decent though, but you can see right away the ones that are going to fill sandbags alot....just pure shit hammers.
-We got into the Mega, thankfully im on the 4ht floor....not too bad really, and we made our bed, just sheets and blankeys, i have a small desk, a shitty lamp, a closet and a cage for my rifle, thats it....and this place is filthy, it smells of piss and throwup! lol
We stand around and talk until 830 when we finally had a meeting. We met our 2IC, and hes a cock already, kinda funny though, Tomorrow we will have another meeting and meet our platoon commander. Now the thing that makes me scratch my head, Why am I in an English speaking platoon....and have TWO FRANCO FUCKING LEADERS THAT BARELY SPEAK ENGLISH!!!
oh well...
he tells us tonight that tomorrow they are taking everything away, phones, my laptop, cameras,,, everything goes until atleast 4th week..
So, until then, hopefully,
Love ya's, be good, be safe.
kiss kiss

Lets Go

Made it to St.Jean safe and sound. But im running behind and now i have to rush my ass off....
Post here very soon..
Love ya's

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Party

The party was a blast!
It was double occasion, my going away party and Dannys Birthday party, so needless to say everyone had a hellova time!
It started off pretty mellow, just the way it should. Good friends at the house and some deee-lish snacks that Windjack made.
Then we all went to the bar, walked in like champs and started hitting it hard, Chad and many others made sure that we didnt spend too long with empty hands, and the next thing i knew...... gassed.
Lots of pictures taken, lost my camera three times (had three minor strokes), picked a very good friend up out of the recycling bin, and then up off of the floor..hahaha
Breakfast in the morning and then a drive home that lasted 2 hours., and felt like an eternity!

So were down to the final couple of days here now, today I started running around and taking care of things I needed to do. Oil change, buying things i need, sorting and cleaning this and that.
I feel like there isnt enough time left to do the things i need, i a also know that there is more than enough. Im nervous because were down to the wire, but also anxious to get on with it.
But i guess thats to be expected!

Friday, January 1, 2010

From the beginning.

The countdown is on! Right now we're sitting at T- 10 days until my Basic Military Qualification starts in St. Jean Quebec. I'm stoked to go, although getting a little nervous.
Should be fun though I think. I already have the know how to get through safely and quietly, or so i hope anyway.
Im going to update this as often as I can, although posts will be sporatic at best and some may be quite short, depending on what has happened thats worth talking about, and the time im given or allowed to post.
Please feel free to add comments and subscribe too, I'd love to read them.